2020-2021 KMS Family Resources
View the KMS 2020-2021 Virtual Awards Assembly Video
*To view the video, you will need to sign in to your google account and present the show in the Google Slides application.
View the KMS 2020-2021 Virtual Awards Assembly Slides Document
KMS Parent Resources:
Ways you can help support your child's online learning at home:
KMS Hui Oha Parent Meeting 10-1-20 Tips for Virtual Learning Slide Presentation
KMS Hui Oha Parent Meeting 10-1-20 Tips for Virtual Learning Video
KMS Hui Oha Parent Meeting 1-21-21 Healthy Home Learning Space
KMS Hui Oha Parent Meeting 4-8-21 Keep Kids Motivated for Online Learning
KMS Schoolwide Expected Behaviors for Distance Learning
5 Internet Safety Tips for Kids
5 Social Media Rules for Teens and Tweens
Online Learning Tips for Families
Digitial Citizenship
Tech, Media, and Safety Information for Parents
Google Student & Parent Tutorials (for help with Chromebook, Classroom, Meet and more)
7 Home Hacks for Better Productivity, Happiness, Health
Ways you can help support your child's learning in general:
Parent Checklist to Help Children Thrive
KMS Pau Hana Parent Meeting 10-29-20 Internet Safety, Social Media Rules, School Reopening Metrics
KMS Hui Oha Parent Meeting 11-5-20 Checking the KMS School Planner
KMS Hui Oha Parent Meeting 11-19-20 Positive Coping Skills
KMS Hui Oha Parent Meeting 10-`15-20 Helpful Tips for Self-Care
KMS Pau Hana Parent Meeting 11-30-20 Cyberbullying, KMS School-wide Attendance Policy
KMS Hui Oha Parent Meeting 12-3-20 Hawaii Family Engagement Center/Ohana Activities
KMS Pau Hana Parent Meeting 12-17-20 Checking Grades Online/Quarter 3 Updates
KMS/Parents for Public Schools Transition Night Video 1-7-21
KMS Pau Hana Parent Meeting 1-28-21 Return to In-Person Learning
KMS Hui Oha Parent Meeting 2-4-21 Help Your Child Succeed in Middle School
KMS Hui Oha Parent Meeting 2-18-21 Study Skills
KMS Hui Oha Parent Meeting 3-4-21 Middle School College Prep Planning
KMS Pau Hana Parent Meeting 2-25-21 KMS Covid-19 Safety Rules & Protocols
KMS Pau Hana Parent Meeting 4-29-21 Communication
KMS Hui Oha Parent Meeting 5-13-21 Summer Resources
For struggling readers or assistance with difficult text:
Select-to-Speak for Chromebook
Ways you can engage in family learning activities together:
30 Days of Family Learning
Is it your teenager’s dream to visit Europe?
See more information on the Education First European Tour