Kea’au Middle School FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
Academic Questions
- What courses are required for each grade level?
- All students are required to take English Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies, and two elective credits yearly.
- What kinds of electives are offered?
- See course catalog as they vary for each grade level and year-to-year.
- How much homework can I expect my student to have?
- Studies have shown that the amount of homework given to students does not improve academic success. Here at Kea’au Middle School some teachers do give homework and the amount given will vary. It is not an overwhelming amount.
- Are there advanced placement courses?
- Currently, KMS offers honors classes for ELA, math, science, and social studies grades 6-8.
- What type of support is offered for students who are struggling academically?
- Elective remedial courses are available such as - Reading workshop and Math workshop. After school tutoring is available through the After School All Stars program.
- When are report cards sent home?
- Mid quarter and report cards are sent home in the middle and the end of the quarter.
- How can I see my student’s progress/grades?
- KMS has a Parent Portal that allows you to check on your student’s progress. You can obtain login information from the registrar's office.
- When do we pick up school schedules etc. for upcoming year?
- KMS will have special dates when parents can pick up report cards, schedules for upcoming year, pay dues and purchase uniform shirts.
Arts and Athletics
- Are there any sports offered?
- There is a program called KMS Athletics that offers seasonal afterschool sports in partnership with All Stars Program. Currently 6th graders are offered a Healthy Active Living course and 7& 8th can enroll PE and Physical Fitness. Offerings are subject to change each school year.
Communication & Involvement
- How can I stay up-to-date with information from school?
- KMS strives to keep good communication with parents. Some of the tools we use are
- Home School Notebook or HSN. Each student will receive a HSN and they are directed to notate information for each of their classes.
- School Marquee Sign on Kea’au Pahoa Road
- Greenwave Gazette – Parent Newsletter
- Facebook page:
- Weekly automated voice messages
- KMS strives to keep good communication with parents. Some of the tools we use are
- How can I be involved in the school?
- Research shows that middle school students perform better both academically and socially when parents stay engaged and involved. Consider joining the PTSA, attending the regular meetings, and assisting in fundraising to support our school activities. Or share your voice at the SCC (School Community Council which meets monthly and reviews the academic financial plan in addition to other school issues). Our students need you to stay engaged with their school community and support their school activities. We strive to offer ongoing opportunities for parents to participate in whether it’s Open House or Bingo Night. In addition you are always welcome to visit the Parent Center.
Schedules and Logistics
- How can I obtain a school calendar and bell schedule?
- You can get a hard copy from the office or an electronic copy on our website:
- Are cell phones allowed?
- Students may bring a cell phone to school but are not allowed to use it during the school day. They can use it afterschool.
- Do I need to bring school supplies?
- Yes, the list of school supplies can be found on our website, in the front office and with the beginning of the year packet.
- Is there an after-school program?
- Yes, we are lucky to partner with the After School All Stars which offers a free program to our Kea’au Middle School students. Students can get tutoring as needed; participate in sports & bus home. For more information call 313-4830 or pick up an application in KMS main office.
- How does my child get breakfast and lunch?
- Students must complete an application and they will be issued a lunch card. Applications can be obtained in the main office or on our website.
- What about transportation home?
- Bus service is provided and in order to participate an application must be completed. Applications can be obtained in the main office or on our website.
- What is the dress code?
- KMS students are required to use the school uniform shirt combined with appropriate pants/shorts/skirts. For students who are enrolling to KMS for the first time uniform shirts can be purchased for in the Registrar’s office. For all other students parents only may purchase from the main office and students can purchase them in the Ho’okele Center during recess. Students are not allowed to wear hoodies (sweatshirts without a zipper) unless it's a KMS hoodie. For a more specific explanation of the dress code see our website or the enrollment packet. PE shirts are encouraged to be used and can also be worn and can be purchased directly from PE teacher.
- Who can I contact if I have a general school question?
- You can call the main office at 313-4800.
- Who should I call if my child is having behavioral/discipline challenges in school?
- You can always call the grade level counselor or the Vice Principal.
- How can I communicate with my child during school hours?
- Call the main office and we will get a message to your child. If needed they can call you back.
- How do Parent-Teacher Conferences work?
- Parent Teacher Conferences are held once a year and parents will be notified with a flyer sent home with your child and with a voice message.
- Are there field-trips?
- There are a limited number of field trips that are not on a set schedule.
- Do you have one last piece of advice?
- Your student is growing up and that means a new sense of independence, learning to take responsibility and starting to navigate the world on their own. That said...parents need to stay connected and engaged with their student and the school. This is a big transition. Ask questions and reach out when needed. Don't be shy.