COVID-19 Letter to Parents
March 3, 2020
Dear Parent(s)/Legal Guardian(s):
The Hawai'i State Department of Education (HIDOE) continues to monitor the Coronavirus Disease {COVID-19) situation. HIDOE remains in contact with the Hawai'i Department of Health (DOH), the Governor's office and relevant state agencies to ensure proper prevention measures and plans are in place.
This update provides information that in the event a student or staff member contracts COVID-19, we will work closely with the DOH to enact a response protocol for the safety and security of our students, families and staff.
We want to ensure you that on-campus precautions are being prepared. Maintenance and facility staff are following specific cleaning procedures to effectively clean common areas and classroom surfaces. School Health Assistants and Hawai'i Keiki nurses are being trained on how to properly respond if or when a student becomes ill.
Additionally, HIDOE is following the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) travel guidance. All school-related travel and programs related to Warning Level 3 and Alert Level 2 countries are suspended until the CDC lowers its travel advisory to Watch Level 1. This includes summer school enrollment and non-essential visitors on campus from these countries. We appreciate your understanding that guidance from the CDC may change suddenly.
This is a quickly evolving situation. We will provide information and updates on our website at:
In preventing the transmission of respiratory illnesses, HIDOE would also like to advise schools and families to follow CDC guidelines:
Phyllis Unebasami
Deputy Superintendent
March 3, 2020
Dear Parent(s)/Legal Guardian(s):
The Hawai'i State Department of Education (HIDOE) continues to monitor the Coronavirus Disease {COVID-19) situation. HIDOE remains in contact with the Hawai'i Department of Health (DOH), the Governor's office and relevant state agencies to ensure proper prevention measures and plans are in place.
This update provides information that in the event a student or staff member contracts COVID-19, we will work closely with the DOH to enact a response protocol for the safety and security of our students, families and staff.
We want to ensure you that on-campus precautions are being prepared. Maintenance and facility staff are following specific cleaning procedures to effectively clean common areas and classroom surfaces. School Health Assistants and Hawai'i Keiki nurses are being trained on how to properly respond if or when a student becomes ill.
Additionally, HIDOE is following the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) travel guidance. All school-related travel and programs related to Warning Level 3 and Alert Level 2 countries are suspended until the CDC lowers its travel advisory to Watch Level 1. This includes summer school enrollment and non-essential visitors on campus from these countries. We appreciate your understanding that guidance from the CDC may change suddenly.
This is a quickly evolving situation. We will provide information and updates on our website at:
In preventing the transmission of respiratory illnesses, HIDOE would also like to advise schools and families to follow CDC guidelines:
- Wash hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing, before eating, and after going to the bathroom;
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth;
- Stay home when sick;
- Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash; and
- Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using a regular household cleaning spray or wipe.
Phyllis Unebasami
Deputy Superintendent
March 11, 2020
Dear Hawai'i DOE staff, faculty, parents and guardians,
We recognize that Hawai'i State Department of Education (HIDOE) sponsored student travel and professional development are important parts of our overall academic design. In light of the evolving COVID-19 situation, we need to take additional precautionary steps to ensure the health and well-being of our school communities. As such, HIDOE is canceling all school and Department-related travel to the U.S. mainland and international destinations until the end of the 2019-2020 school year, effective March 12.
There are school trips scheduled to depart Hawai'i on Wednesday, March 11. Although these trips will not be bound by the upcoming department-wide cancellations, parents have the right to modify their travel plans accordingly. If you decide to cancel or modify your school-related travel plans, please notify your child's school immediately. Making this last minute decision is a personal one, so please consider that travel costs already incurred may not be reimbursable.
We understand the financial hardship this will potentially cause and we encourage families, schools and complex areas to discuss the possibility of rescheduling or reimbursement with their travel partners (i.e. travel agents, airlines and accommodations) to the extent possible.
We did not make this decision lightly knowing the impact it will have on our school communities; however, the safety of our students and staff is our highest priority.
Please continue to monitor HIDOE COVID-19 updates on the Department's website at
Dr. Christina M. Kishimoto
March 11, 2020
Dear Hawai'i DOE staff, faculty, parents and guardians,
We recognize that Hawai'i State Department of Education (HIDOE) sponsored student travel and professional development are important parts of our overall academic design. In light of the evolving COVID-19 situation, we need to take additional precautionary steps to ensure the health and well-being of our school communities. As such, HIDOE is canceling all school and Department-related travel to the U.S. mainland and international destinations until the end of the 2019-2020 school year, effective March 12.
There are school trips scheduled to depart Hawai'i on Wednesday, March 11. Although these trips will not be bound by the upcoming department-wide cancellations, parents have the right to modify their travel plans accordingly. If you decide to cancel or modify your school-related travel plans, please notify your child's school immediately. Making this last minute decision is a personal one, so please consider that travel costs already incurred may not be reimbursable.
We understand the financial hardship this will potentially cause and we encourage families, schools and complex areas to discuss the possibility of rescheduling or reimbursement with their travel partners (i.e. travel agents, airlines and accommodations) to the extent possible.
We did not make this decision lightly knowing the impact it will have on our school communities; however, the safety of our students and staff is our highest priority.
Please continue to monitor HIDOE COVID-19 updates on the Department's website at
Dr. Christina M. Kishimoto